Special Card! Special Ability!
Santa Whitney
Special Ability : RP 7% Bonus
Pendant : Trustable Credit Certificate - Bonus 50% received when getting loan / Bonus 50% saat membayar dengan loan tiket
Special Pack Cards (+10) = 150 diamonds
Card available in Special Limited Edition Card Pack :
- Santa Whitney (S), special ability : RP 7% bonus
- Brown the Billionaire (B-S), special ability : gold bonus 7%
- Super Star Cony (B-S), special ability : RP 7% bonus
Period : 23 Dec~ 25 Dec 2014
Blog ini tersedia dengan 2 bahasa yaitu indonesia dan inggris. Untuk memilih bahasa silahkan pilih di labels.
This blog available in 2 language, bahasa and english. To choose language, you can choose from labels. Thankyou.
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Update: Be Fun! Be Rich! with New Updates V. 1.0.4
New Feature of Line Lets Get Rich:
Album System : Be Fun with Collecting Cards and Get Special Rewards / Koleksi kartu karakter dan dapatkan hadiah special
Special Character : New feature of Card system
Angel Card: You can buy angel card right away / bisa langsung membeli angel card dengan 5 diamond
Victory Support : New feature to save your gold and ranking point, ask friends to protect your points / fitur baru untuk menyimpan gold dan mempertahankan ranking dengan meminta pertolongan teman
Album System : Be Fun with Collecting Cards and Get Special Rewards / Koleksi kartu karakter dan dapatkan hadiah special
Special Character : New feature of Card system
Angel Card: You can buy angel card right away / bisa langsung membeli angel card dengan 5 diamond
Victory Support : New feature to save your gold and ranking point, ask friends to protect your points / fitur baru untuk menyimpan gold dan mempertahankan ranking dengan meminta pertolongan teman
Event: Lucky Snow with Christmas Pendant (23 Dec ~ 26 Dec 2014)
Collect All Christmast Pendants!
X-Mas Tree
19% increase starting money / 19% menambah uang muka
X-Mas Socks
13% increase starting money / 13% menambah uang muka
X-Mas Red Ball
13% increase starting money / 13% menambah uang muka
X-Mas Green Ball
13% increase starting money / 13% menambah uang muka
X-Mas Gold Ball
13% increase starting money / 13% menambah uang muka
Available in Premium Pendant Gacha
Discount 50% for next buy / Diskon 50% untuk pembelian berikutnya
Complete Collect 5 Christmas Pendants Get Free Special Card Pack Limited Edition (+10)
Period : 23 ~ 25 Dec
Reward 26 Dec
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Notice: Postponed 200 diamond S Pendant 16 Dec - 19 Dec Event Reward
Line has just posted that the reward of S Pendant Event 200 diamonds (16 Dec - 19 Dec) will be postpone as line busy fpr collecting the data
Please wait patiently for the reward :)
Line mengabari kalau reward event S pendant 200 diamond (16 Dec - 19 Dec) bakal di diberikan nanti karena line sekarang lagi sibuk mengumpulkan data
Mohon kesabarannya ditunggu aja :)
Please wait patiently for the reward :)
Line mengabari kalau reward event S pendant 200 diamond (16 Dec - 19 Dec) bakal di diberikan nanti karena line sekarang lagi sibuk mengumpulkan data
Mohon kesabarannya ditunggu aja :)
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Update: Sexy Nurse vs Prince Charming [New Character]
New Character!
Sexy Nurse with Strange Syringe
Pendant Effect:
80% rate of exemption from toll on first landing to opponent's city
80% peluang bebas dari biaya saat menginjak kota lawan
Charming Prince with Noble Royal Ring
Pendant Effect:
42% refund of construction fee when landing on other city
42% peluang mendapatkan uang kembali saat membangun kota
Event: Premium Card Promotion from Charming Prince (19 Dec ~ 23 Dec)
Event Content:
1. Increase chance get higher class
2. Buy 30 Premium Pack get bonus 5 Premium Cards
3. Get S Class get 200 Diamonds
1. Increase chance get higher class
2. Buy 30 Premium Pack get bonus 5 Premium Cards
3. Get S Class get 200 Diamonds
Event: Happy Play Time with Rosa (19 Dec ~ 23 Dec)
Event Content:
1. Play 1,2,3 Round get Premium Card each round
2. Gold Bonus 1,5x every round
Duration 19 Dec ~ 23 Dec
1. Play 1,2,3 Round get Premium Card each round
2. Gold Bonus 1,5x every round
Duration 19 Dec ~ 23 Dec
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Update : New Pendant Broken Navigator
New S Pendant! Broken Navigator
Same as CoCo's Dimension Door
72% rate of moving backward from first dice roll
72% peluang bergerak mundur di putaran pertama
Event : Get S Pendant get 200 Diamonds (16 Dec ~ 19 Dec)
Get S pendant Get 200 Diamonds (Get from Pendant Gacha Only - S Pendant from MAXing S Class Character won't get the reward)
Login and Play from 1,2,3 round get 1 Premium Pendant Gacha
Discount 50% at second buy (buy again)
Increase chance to get higher class pendant / meningkatkan peluang dapat pendant level tinggi
Reward on 22 December 2014
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Event: Get Rich Week (12 Dec ~ 16 Dec 2014)
Event Content :
- Log in get 20 mileage points
- Increase Clover Mileage Points : Green Clover 3 mileage points , Gold Clover 10 mileage points
- Jackpot Draw 50% discount from 10 to 5 diamonds
- Jackpot Rewards: Include Panda Nana, S Class Cards, S Class Pendant Tickets!
Period : 12 Dec ~ 16 Dec
Reward : 17 Dec
- Log in get 20 mileage points
- Increase Clover Mileage Points : Green Clover 3 mileage points , Gold Clover 10 mileage points
- Jackpot Draw 50% discount from 10 to 5 diamonds
- Jackpot Rewards: Include Panda Nana, S Class Cards, S Class Pendant Tickets!
Period : 12 Dec ~ 16 Dec
Reward : 17 Dec
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Notice : Reward from 28 November Event has been given
Dec 5,2014
We already sent out the rewards on Dec 5, 2:00pm GMT +7
- 100 Diamonds for all users who upgrade A+ MAX and 200 Diamonds for S Card MAX
- 300 Diamonds to all users who get CoCo
- 99.000 gold for purchasing gold 100.000 gold
Notice : Reward will not be given if you didn't max card or get coco within event period
Event period is : 28 Nov 10.30 am ~ 2 December 03.00 pm
So if you max or get coco on 28 Nov 10.28 am or 2 December 03.02 pm, you wont get the reward
Hadiah untuk event november sudah diberikan tanggal 5 Desember 2014, jam 2 siang GMT+7
- 100 Diamonds untuk yang upgrade A class to MAX dan 200 Diamonds untuk S class
- 300 Diamonds untuk yang dapat CoCo
- 99.000 gold untuk yang membeli gold 100.000 saat event
Perhatian : Hadiah hanya diberikan kepada yang berhasil MAX kartu dan mendapatkan Coco dalam periode event
Periode Event : 28 November 10.30 pagi ~ 2 December 03.00 sore
Jadi kalau kalian max kartu atau dapat coco di 28 November jam 10.28 pagi atau 2 December 03.02 sore, maka kalian tidak akan mendapatkan hadiah
We already sent out the rewards on Dec 5, 2:00pm GMT +7
- 100 Diamonds for all users who upgrade A+ MAX and 200 Diamonds for S Card MAX
- 300 Diamonds to all users who get CoCo
- 99.000 gold for purchasing gold 100.000 gold
Notice : Reward will not be given if you didn't max card or get coco within event period
Event period is : 28 Nov 10.30 am ~ 2 December 03.00 pm
So if you max or get coco on 28 Nov 10.28 am or 2 December 03.02 pm, you wont get the reward
Hadiah untuk event november sudah diberikan tanggal 5 Desember 2014, jam 2 siang GMT+7
- 100 Diamonds untuk yang upgrade A class to MAX dan 200 Diamonds untuk S class
- 300 Diamonds untuk yang dapat CoCo
- 99.000 gold untuk yang membeli gold 100.000 saat event
Perhatian : Hadiah hanya diberikan kepada yang berhasil MAX kartu dan mendapatkan Coco dalam periode event
Periode Event : 28 November 10.30 pagi ~ 2 December 03.00 sore
Jadi kalau kalian max kartu atau dapat coco di 28 November jam 10.28 pagi atau 2 December 03.02 sore, maka kalian tidak akan mendapatkan hadiah
Event : Happy 555 (5 Dec ~ 9 Dec)
Happy 555! Play 5 Rounds and get the rewards!
Get 50 Diamonds! 50.000 Gold! 5 Ancient Cubes!
Round 1 : 3000 gold
Round 2 : 3 Diamonds
Round 3 : 7.000 gold
Round 4 : 7 Diamonds
Round 5 : Ancient Cube
Event : Legendary Ancient Cube (5 Dec ~ 9 Dec)
New Event Cube : Ancient Cube!
- Contains : Panda Nana, S Pendant Nana's Teddy Bear, S Pendant Charming Parfume, S Pendant Christine's Helment
- Mystic Powder x2 when open by diamonds
- Get up to 3 rewards
- Open Less Than 1 Hour (30 min ~ 1 Hour)
How to get:
- Can get free from playing 5 R / Dapat gratis dari main 5R di event period
- Buy diamonds on event period
Update : New Character Panda Nana
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Event : Gift of Love (2 Dec ~ 5 Dec)
Happy Father's Day Gift of Love Event!
- Login Get 5000 Gold
- Send a Gold Clover Get 1 Diamond (10 per day)
- Play Round BONUS : 1 Round get Premium Pendant Ticket, 2 Round get 2 Premium Pendant Ticket
- Login on 5th Dec get FREE SALLY TROPHY A+
- User who haven't played for 2 weeks , come back and get 200 Diamonds
Update : Secret Weapon Pendant Release!
New S Card Pendant!
- Black Card S : 85% rate of exemption from toll on your first landing to other's city / 85% gratis bayar toll saat menginjak bangunan lawan
- Traveler's Compass : 64% rate chance of getting travel invitation of first chance card / 64% peluang dapat travel invitation saat mendapatkan chance card pertama kali
Event : Diamond X Pendant (2 Dec ~ 5 Dec)
Buy 220 Diamond (Bonus 30%) get Free A Above Pendant
Buy 440 Diamond (Bonus 40%) get Free A+ above pendant
Buy 880 Diamond (Bonus 50%) get 2 Free A+ above pendant
Event : Golden Pendant Day (2 Dec ~ 5 Dec)
Get S Class Pendant and get 200 Diamonds Free!!
Keterangan / Condition :
- Increase chance to get S Class Pendant 2x / menambah kesempatan dapat S Class Pendant dua kali lipat
- Premium pendant half price for buy again / premium pendant harganya separuh kalau beli lagi
- Get First S Class Pendant during period and get 200 Diamonds / dapet S Class Pendant dapat 200 Diamonds
Tip : S Class pendant can get from Premium pendant Gacha or Upgrade MAX S Class Character
Tip : S Class Pendant bisa didapat di Premium pendant Gacha atau MAX S Class Character
Reward on 8 December
Notice : Postpone Reward Sent out for MAX level A+ and S Card Event
Thankyou for playing LINE Let's Get Rich
Due to heavy data to process to rewarding diamonds to all the users who upgrade MAX Level A+ and S Card during 28 Nov ~ 2 Dec
We apologize for this issue, now we have been collecting all the data and will sent out by tomorrow
Sorry for the inconvenience
Nih perhatian untuk semua yang panik gak dapet diamond event kemarin tanggal 28 Nov ~ 2 Dec
LINE kasi pengumuman kalau mereka lagi sibuk kumpulin data gara2 datanya terlalu berat
Jadi untuk teman-teman yang gak dapet diamond tanggal 3 sabar ya
Bakal di kasi rewardnya dekat2 ini kok, ditunggu aja yang sabar :)
Due to heavy data to process to rewarding diamonds to all the users who upgrade MAX Level A+ and S Card during 28 Nov ~ 2 Dec
We apologize for this issue, now we have been collecting all the data and will sent out by tomorrow
Sorry for the inconvenience
Nih perhatian untuk semua yang panik gak dapet diamond event kemarin tanggal 28 Nov ~ 2 Dec
LINE kasi pengumuman kalau mereka lagi sibuk kumpulin data gara2 datanya terlalu berat
Jadi untuk teman-teman yang gak dapet diamond tanggal 3 sabar ya
Bakal di kasi rewardnya dekat2 ini kok, ditunggu aja yang sabar :)
Friday, November 28, 2014
Event : MAX Level Time! (28 Nov ~ 2 Dec)
Event kali ini cuma perlu mengupgrade kartu karakter sampai MAX
Upgrade A+ Card to MAX - Get 100 Diamonds
Upgrade S Card to MAX - Get 200 Diamonds
It's just as simple is that :)
Reward on 3 December 2014
Upgrade A+ Card to MAX - Get 100 Diamonds
Upgrade S Card to MAX - Get 200 Diamonds
It's just as simple is that :)
Reward on 3 December 2014
Event : Get CoCo and Get 300 Diamonds, Dimension Door Pendant in Line Cube (28 Nov ~ 2 Dec)
Line Let's Get Rich ngadain event lagi nih! Event yang ini juga gak kalah keren yaitu
1. Get Coco S Card and get 300 diamonds free!
2. Line Cube duration 30~60 min
3. S Pendant Dimension Door can be obtained from Line Cube / bisa didapatkan dari Line Cube
Dimension Door
72% chance of moving backwards on the first dice roll
72% peluang untuk bergerak mundur di putaran pertama
Event Duration : 28 November 2014 - 2 December 2014
1. Get Coco S Card and get 300 diamonds free!
2. Line Cube duration 30~60 min
3. S Pendant Dimension Door can be obtained from Line Cube / bisa didapatkan dari Line Cube
Dimension Door
72% chance of moving backwards on the first dice roll
72% peluang untuk bergerak mundur di putaran pertama
Event Duration : 28 November 2014 - 2 December 2014
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Event : Mystic Powder Fever (25 Nov ~ 2 Dec 2014)
Untuk merayakan Line Game 2 Years, Line mengadakan 3 event keren. Let's celebrate Line Game 2 Years with these events:
- Log in get free 20 Mystic Powder / Gratis 20 Mystic Powder hanya dengan log in
- Mystic powder x2 when opening using diamonds / Mystic Powder x2 jika dibuka dengan diamond
- Get Higher Cube in Cube Reward / Kesempatan mendapat cube yang tingkatnya lebih tinggi
- Get up to 3 rewards from cube when using Mystic Powder / Dapatkan sampai 3 hadiah dari membuka cube dengan mystic powder
Event : Line Game 2 Years Love Promotion (25 Nov ~ 2 Dec 2014)
Untuk merayakan Line Game 2 Years, Line mengadakan 3 event keren. Let's celebrate Line Game 2 Years with these events:
Bonus sampai 50% dengan membeli diamonds plus line cube mencapai 4 cubes
Event berlangsung dari 25 Nov sampai 2 Des 2014
Event : Line Game 2 Years Line Cube (25 Nov ~ 2 Dec 2014)
Untuk merayakan Line Game 2 Years, Line mengadakan 3 event keren. Let's celebrate Line Game 2 Years with these events:
Line Cube cuma ada di event ini sampai event berakhir yaitu tanggal 2 Desember 2014
Line Cube only available in this event until 2 December 2014Line Cube bisa didapatkan dengan cara / can be obtained by :
- Buy Diamonds
- Play Round Bonus :
Round 1 - Mystic Powder 20
Round 3 - Gold Cube
Round 5 - Line Cube
Hadiah utama / Main prize Line Cube :
1. Coco S Character
2. S Class Pendant : Golden Lucky Pig
3. Class A+ guaranteed pendant gacha
4. Premium Pack (+30)
5. Gold 500.000
6. Diamond 500
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Event : Line Character S Class! (19~25 Nov 14)
Now Sally, Brown, and Cony are available in S Class.. How Cute~ ^_^
Sekarang Line character sudah ada S class!
Untuk merayakannya, Line Get Rich mengadakan event yaitu
Dapatkan salah satu Line Character S Card dan dapatkan bonus 300 diamonds pada tanggal 26 November
Event berlangsung dari tanggal 19~25 November 2014
Get one of S Line characters and get 300 diamonds for free on 26 November ^_^
Here's list of S Line characters :
Sekarang Line character sudah ada S class!
Untuk merayakannya, Line Get Rich mengadakan event yaitu
Dapatkan salah satu Line Character S Card dan dapatkan bonus 300 diamonds pada tanggal 26 November
Event berlangsung dari tanggal 19~25 November 2014
Get one of S Line characters and get 300 diamonds for free on 26 November ^_^
Here's list of S Line characters :
Pendant : Detailed Clock - 45% peluang mendapatkan double dice di putaran pertama
Pendant : Beauty Lipstick - 45% peluang bergerak 2x jumlah dadu di putaran pertama
Pendant : Sally's Skateboard - 35% menggagalkan kartu pertahanan lawan
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
The Best Character Card in Let's Get Rich
Before you read this, i recommended you to read characters' skill first and the most 3 important skill in tips & trick to win part 1 in my late post
The best character is actually relative, depends on what skill you want
Here are characters with the highest skill:
If you like to have character with high bonus game skill (in order to win a lot of bonus game), it's the best if you have santino because santino is the character who has the highest bonus game skill
but i don't recommend santino because santino has low dice control
What i mean is, even if we want to have character with high bonus game, we need to see the other skill as well
To be more understand i suggest you see tips & trick to win part 1
So if you have santino / tarantula / francesca its better if you choose tarantula / francesca over santino - its more better if you have S card mariano
Recommended Dice : Rainbow, Treasure Box or Metal Rear
Recommended Pendant :
A/A+ : Richard Wu's Trump Card, Tarantula's Laser Gun (for space map)
S : Golden Lucky Pig, Bull Fighter's Sword (for Thailand map)
The reason why you need to choose character with high dice control see tips & trick to win part 1
I recommended Hyena for A / A+ class or S cards if you have
Dice recommendation : Star Fall, Treasure Box, Colorful, Space, LED
Pendant recommendation :
A/A+ : Scratched Record (from MAX Justin)
S : Top Racer's Helmet (from MAX Christine)
Cheap Build
Acquire DC
If you want to win by buying hundreds of buildings and buy building as cheapest as you can. These skill's are perfect for it! The characters who has highest cheap build and acquire dc are WHITNEY and CONY THE SUPERSTAR
Dice recommendation : Rainbow, Star Fall, Colorful, Space, LED (has both skill)
Pendant recommendation : None, you choose
S : ALL S CARDS except YURA - Recommendation : EDWARD
Ariane is the one who has the highest golden chance but i don't recommended her because the other skill of hers are so low. So i recommended you to use Hyena for A/A+ and Edward if you have
Dice Recommendation : Star Fall, Colorful, Space, LED
Pendant Recommendation : 4 Leaves Clover (gives golden chance up to 50%)
For whole skill, i think Hyena is the best character for A/A+ class
and the best S card are Christine or Mariano
hope this tips helps ^_^
===Klik di sini untuk Bahasa Indonesia===
The best character is actually relative, depends on what skill you want
Here are characters with the highest skill:
If you like to have character with high bonus game skill (in order to win a lot of bonus game), it's the best if you have santino because santino is the character who has the highest bonus game skill
but i don't recommend santino because santino has low dice control
What i mean is, even if we want to have character with high bonus game, we need to see the other skill as well
To be more understand i suggest you see tips & trick to win part 1
So if you have santino / tarantula / francesca its better if you choose tarantula / francesca over santino - its more better if you have S card mariano
Recommended Dice : Rainbow, Treasure Box or Metal Rear
Recommended Pendant :
A/A+ : Richard Wu's Trump Card, Tarantula's Laser Gun (for space map)
S : Golden Lucky Pig, Bull Fighter's Sword (for Thailand map)
The reason why you need to choose character with high dice control see tips & trick to win part 1
I recommended Hyena for A / A+ class or S cards if you have
Dice recommendation : Star Fall, Treasure Box, Colorful, Space, LED
Pendant recommendation :
A/A+ : Scratched Record (from MAX Justin)
S : Top Racer's Helmet (from MAX Christine)
Cheap Build
Acquire DC
If you want to win by buying hundreds of buildings and buy building as cheapest as you can. These skill's are perfect for it! The characters who has highest cheap build and acquire dc are WHITNEY and CONY THE SUPERSTAR
Dice recommendation : Rainbow, Star Fall, Colorful, Space, LED (has both skill)
Pendant recommendation : None, you choose
S : ALL S CARDS except YURA - Recommendation : EDWARD
Ariane is the one who has the highest golden chance but i don't recommended her because the other skill of hers are so low. So i recommended you to use Hyena for A/A+ and Edward if you have
Dice Recommendation : Star Fall, Colorful, Space, LED
Pendant Recommendation : 4 Leaves Clover (gives golden chance up to 50%)
For whole skill, i think Hyena is the best character for A/A+ class
and the best S card are Christine or Mariano
hope this tips helps ^_^
===Klik di sini untuk Bahasa Indonesia===
Easiest Way to Get Gold
I posted Easiest Way to Get Diamond before
Now in this post i will share about easiest way to get gold
1. Cube
Exactly the same to get diamond, gold can also be obtain from cube. You can get 3000 ~ 5000 or more from wood cube, meanwhile silver can give you around 10.000 ~ 15.000 or more
2. Diamond Class / Premium Class
choose the class that pays with diamond not gold
this is the fastest + risky way, because if you lose, you may lose 20 / 100 diamonds.
I suggest if you are looking for gold, play in diamond class, premium class is too risky while the gold that you will get only 10.000 gold difference.
Why do i say play in Diamond Class is the easiest way to get gold? I will explain the calculation
You must be understand that the higher the class, the higher point and gold you will get?
Play in First Class, you must pay 3000 gold for the ticket plus item that you will use 1000 untukfor odd even + 300 for double dice + 500 for double allowance = 1.500 gold + random card 500 (and each time you change card to get angel will cost 300 each)
Total gold you will spend in 1 game in First Class will be
3000(tiket)+1500(item)+500~(random card) = 5000~ or more
and then you win the game and get only around 4000 ~ 10.000 (average) minus 5000 or more
The gold you will get only a few coins >_<
If you play in Diamond Class, you don't need to pay 3000 gold for the ticket
but the bet is diamond, if you wanna win big that means you need to bet big
Plus if you win, you can get +1000 gold + cube + ranking points + 10 diamonds
I just warn you that this way is only for players that want to take a risk, don't blame me if you lose the game >_<
3. Rangking Point
My friend play like crazy, i cant beat their score!! How am i going to beat their score? I need to be at rank 1 to get the money prize!
There's trick for that so we can always be at rank 1 :D
How to do it :
1. Remember your friends that have higher score than yours
2. Few minutes before reset ranking (10 mins or 5 mins), exit the game and go to your line contact
3. Block your friends' contact which has higher score than yours
4. Back to the game after the reset ranking time
5. Tadaaaaa!! You're in the 1st place now :D
*NOTE : Don't forget to unblock your friends after getting your 1st place prize
Ranking reward only once per week so you need to be patient, but the prize can up to 150k gold (depends on how many friends that play get rich)
Hope this tips helps ^_^
To see easiest way to get diamond click here
===Klik di sini untuk Bahasa Indonesia===
Now in this post i will share about easiest way to get gold
1. Cube
Exactly the same to get diamond, gold can also be obtain from cube. You can get 3000 ~ 5000 or more from wood cube, meanwhile silver can give you around 10.000 ~ 15.000 or more
2. Diamond Class / Premium Class
choose the class that pays with diamond not gold
this is the fastest + risky way, because if you lose, you may lose 20 / 100 diamonds.
I suggest if you are looking for gold, play in diamond class, premium class is too risky while the gold that you will get only 10.000 gold difference.
Why do i say play in Diamond Class is the easiest way to get gold? I will explain the calculation
You must be understand that the higher the class, the higher point and gold you will get?
Play in First Class, you must pay 3000 gold for the ticket plus item that you will use 1000 untukfor odd even + 300 for double dice + 500 for double allowance = 1.500 gold + random card 500 (and each time you change card to get angel will cost 300 each)
Total gold you will spend in 1 game in First Class will be
3000(tiket)+1500(item)+500~(random card) = 5000~ or more
and then you win the game and get only around 4000 ~ 10.000 (average) minus 5000 or more
The gold you will get only a few coins >_<
If you play in Diamond Class, you don't need to pay 3000 gold for the ticket
but the bet is diamond, if you wanna win big that means you need to bet big
Plus if you win, you can get +1000 gold + cube + ranking points + 10 diamonds
I just warn you that this way is only for players that want to take a risk, don't blame me if you lose the game >_<
3. Rangking Point
![]() |
untuk lihat ukuran asli (yang besar) - klik kanan open image in a new tab |
There's trick for that so we can always be at rank 1 :D
How to do it :
1. Remember your friends that have higher score than yours
2. Few minutes before reset ranking (10 mins or 5 mins), exit the game and go to your line contact
3. Block your friends' contact which has higher score than yours
4. Back to the game after the reset ranking time
5. Tadaaaaa!! You're in the 1st place now :D
*NOTE : Don't forget to unblock your friends after getting your 1st place prize
Ranking reward only once per week so you need to be patient, but the prize can up to 150k gold (depends on how many friends that play get rich)
Hope this tips helps ^_^
To see easiest way to get diamond click here
===Klik di sini untuk Bahasa Indonesia===
Event : New Character - NANA
Let's Get Rich New Character Card!! :D
High Dice CTRL + Acquire DC!
High Dice CTRL + Acquire DC!
Pendant for MAXing : NaNa's Teddy Bear : 15% increase toll properties owned (menambah harga biaya bangunan sebesar 15%)
Plus event to celebrate her, get 200 Diamond for getting S card until 19 Nov 2014
Dapetin 200 diamond dengan mendapatkan kartu S :)
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Easiest way to get diamond
Here are easy ways to get diamond :
1. Cube
cube rewards is including diamond, sometimes even wood cube can give you diamond (3 or 5 or 7) sometimes can up to 10 or 15. You can get more by opening gold or diamond cube.
2. Event
It's actually quite often Let's Get Rich is having event. For example : MAX A+ character and get 200 diamonds or get S pendant and get 200 diamonds.
3. Diamond Class
This is the fastest way to get diamond i think, rather than waiting for event or opening hundreds of cubes.
But this was is also risky bcoz you may lose 20 diamonds if you lose.
But thats if you lose, if you win, you can get diamonds plus golds, 30 diamond - 20 diamond (for ticket) = 10 diamond per win plus 1100 gold bonus and random cube.
Furthermore, if you win from triple, line or tourism, you can get gold up to 15k ~ 20k
I already got hundreds of diamonds and gold from this way :D
One more thing, you can save some clover because diamond class doesn't need clover hahaha ^_^
4. Ranking Reward
And this is the easiest way to get diamond, buy you can only get it once a week
See the picture, with score around 190.000 you can enter top 6% which gives you 35 diamonds + 1 premium pack as rewards. To get into rank 1000 or above you need at least 1,8 ~ 2M score or above. For me, 1% is enough, with score around 500k you can already get into top 1% if i'm not mistaken (sorry i forgot the exact score)
Hope this tips are helpful ^_^
1. Cube
cube rewards is including diamond, sometimes even wood cube can give you diamond (3 or 5 or 7) sometimes can up to 10 or 15. You can get more by opening gold or diamond cube.
2. Event
It's actually quite often Let's Get Rich is having event. For example : MAX A+ character and get 200 diamonds or get S pendant and get 200 diamonds.
3. Diamond Class
This is the fastest way to get diamond i think, rather than waiting for event or opening hundreds of cubes.
But this was is also risky bcoz you may lose 20 diamonds if you lose.
But thats if you lose, if you win, you can get diamonds plus golds, 30 diamond - 20 diamond (for ticket) = 10 diamond per win plus 1100 gold bonus and random cube.
Furthermore, if you win from triple, line or tourism, you can get gold up to 15k ~ 20k
I already got hundreds of diamonds and gold from this way :D
One more thing, you can save some clover because diamond class doesn't need clover hahaha ^_^
4. Ranking Reward
See the picture, with score around 190.000 you can enter top 6% which gives you 35 diamonds + 1 premium pack as rewards. To get into rank 1000 or above you need at least 1,8 ~ 2M score or above. For me, 1% is enough, with score around 500k you can already get into top 1% if i'm not mistaken (sorry i forgot the exact score)
![]() |
Buat lihat ukuran asli (lebih jelas), klik kanan - open image in a new tab |
Hope this tips are helpful ^_^
Tips & Trick to win part 2
After part 1, now i will share part 2
in part 1 i explained about character, pendant, and dice
in part 2, i will share you some tips in game :)
First, sorry for bad English (i'm not fluent) i hope you can understand what i'm talking about >_<
Don't rush using loan ticket
when you are out of money, think twice before using it. Loan ticket can only be used once. So if you only need just a few coins then don't use loan ticket, just sell your available house.
Buy festival city before your opponent
Because festival city has double toll
Build landmark as fast as you can
because landmark city can't be bought, sold, or trade by your opponent
Make Monopoly
buy city with the same color and make monopoly (monopoly has double toll)
Buy 3 items before the game starts (double allowance, odd/even dice, double dice) plus random card: angel card
Don't be so stingy, spend some gold on these items. These items can be really helpful. Especially angel card. You have to know when to use angel card. If the toll only cost 1~3M and you have the money, better don't use it, unless you don't have money to acquire it if you pay the toll
Make sure you have Marble World Cup or Expo
there's a chance card that has effect: go to expo city. Imagine if your opponent has expo city and you don't have angel card. Boooom.. bankrupt!! Just make sure you have expo city
Get the expensive cities as many as you can
expensive cities with pink, purple, orange, red color (Bangkok, New York etc.)
Don't buy 3 buildings on cheap cities
when you buy cheap cities (green color), it's better if you just buy the hotel and condo only. Because it's cheap, people can easy buy it and if you have 3 buildings, they're gonna acquire your city and build a landmark
Don't be greedy on bonus game
better just win 2x, unless you have much money (over 10M) you can try to win 3x. If you dont have much money, the just win 1x. Better get small than nothing.
Save some money
remember to save at least 1M. So if you step on trail travel / world travel you still can pay the ticket to go, or when you step on opponent's city that only cost around 400k or 800k, you don't have to sell your city or use loan ticket
Better lose small than big
If you are sure that you can't win. No hope. Then step on your opponent's city by purpose. It's better you lose rather than lose from monopoly, line, or tourism.
Do not underestimate island / station (the one with blue and pink pastel color)
they're probably cheap, but before you do trade city or donation, make sure at least you have minimal 1 out of 5 of em
If your opponent has 2 or more out of 5, then you better don't do that. You can lose from tourism.
Hope these tips can be helpful ^_^ sorry for the bad english, you ask questions if you don't understand by leaving comments
===Klik di sini untuk Bahasa Indonesia===
in part 1 i explained about character, pendant, and dice
in part 2, i will share you some tips in game :)
First, sorry for bad English (i'm not fluent) i hope you can understand what i'm talking about >_<
Don't rush using loan ticket
when you are out of money, think twice before using it. Loan ticket can only be used once. So if you only need just a few coins then don't use loan ticket, just sell your available house.
Buy festival city before your opponent
Because festival city has double toll
Build landmark as fast as you can
because landmark city can't be bought, sold, or trade by your opponent
buy city with the same color and make monopoly (monopoly has double toll)
Buy 3 items before the game starts (double allowance, odd/even dice, double dice) plus random card: angel card
Don't be so stingy, spend some gold on these items. These items can be really helpful. Especially angel card. You have to know when to use angel card. If the toll only cost 1~3M and you have the money, better don't use it, unless you don't have money to acquire it if you pay the toll
Make sure you have Marble World Cup or Expo
there's a chance card that has effect: go to expo city. Imagine if your opponent has expo city and you don't have angel card. Boooom.. bankrupt!! Just make sure you have expo city
Get the expensive cities as many as you can
expensive cities with pink, purple, orange, red color (Bangkok, New York etc.)
Don't buy 3 buildings on cheap cities
when you buy cheap cities (green color), it's better if you just buy the hotel and condo only. Because it's cheap, people can easy buy it and if you have 3 buildings, they're gonna acquire your city and build a landmark
Don't be greedy on bonus game
better just win 2x, unless you have much money (over 10M) you can try to win 3x. If you dont have much money, the just win 1x. Better get small than nothing.
Save some money
remember to save at least 1M. So if you step on trail travel / world travel you still can pay the ticket to go, or when you step on opponent's city that only cost around 400k or 800k, you don't have to sell your city or use loan ticket
Better lose small than big
If you are sure that you can't win. No hope. Then step on your opponent's city by purpose. It's better you lose rather than lose from monopoly, line, or tourism.
Do not underestimate island / station (the one with blue and pink pastel color)
they're probably cheap, but before you do trade city or donation, make sure at least you have minimal 1 out of 5 of em
If your opponent has 2 or more out of 5, then you better don't do that. You can lose from tourism.
Hope these tips can be helpful ^_^ sorry for the bad english, you ask questions if you don't understand by leaving comments
===Klik di sini untuk Bahasa Indonesia===
Tips & Trick to win part 1
Here i will share some tips to win
In part 1 i will explain about using character, pendant, dice, and skill we need to win the game
In part 2, i will share some tips in game
Like i shared before, each character have their own skills
What do you think is the most important? Bonus Game? Acquire DC? or else?
Here's 3 most important skills (my version) :
dice control is very helpful in controlling your dice, with dice control you can decide to go 2 or 7 or 12
Do you realize when you press roll button, there's a bar show up. The bar length decide short or long your move gonna be. This bar called dice indicator
From my experience, the numbers are mostly like this (see the picture)
Cheap building is allows you to buy cheaper buildings (give you discount price). The higher your cheap build is, the lower the price will be
You prefer Acquire dc to give you discount price on acquiring opponent's building
I prefer cheap building though
This on is also important! Every time you step on Chance card it will turn into Golden Chance Card. You can get Angel, or Attack Cards, or travel world ticket etc.
*Some people may prefer Bonus Game because you can get much money from it, but i personally think its not so important.
So lets say the first winning chance is 50 : 50, the higher your bonus game is the higher winning chance will be, so lets say its gonna be 70 : 30, there's still chance to lose. I've tried character with high bonus game skill but the result is too much lose. Meanwhile i also have tried a character with low Bonus Game skill and win a lot =_="
These are the pendants i recommended :
In part 1 i will explain about using character, pendant, dice, and skill we need to win the game
In part 2, i will share some tips in game
Like i shared before, each character have their own skills
What do you think is the most important? Bonus Game? Acquire DC? or else?
Here's 3 most important skills (my version) :
dice control is very helpful in controlling your dice, with dice control you can decide to go 2 or 7 or 12
Do you realize when you press roll button, there's a bar show up. The bar length decide short or long your move gonna be. This bar called dice indicator
From my experience, the numbers are mostly like this (see the picture)
Cheap building is allows you to buy cheaper buildings (give you discount price). The higher your cheap build is, the lower the price will be
You prefer Acquire dc to give you discount price on acquiring opponent's building
I prefer cheap building though
This on is also important! Every time you step on Chance card it will turn into Golden Chance Card. You can get Angel, or Attack Cards, or travel world ticket etc.
*Some people may prefer Bonus Game because you can get much money from it, but i personally think its not so important.
So lets say the first winning chance is 50 : 50, the higher your bonus game is the higher winning chance will be, so lets say its gonna be 70 : 30, there's still chance to lose. I've tried character with high bonus game skill but the result is too much lose. Meanwhile i also have tried a character with low Bonus Game skill and win a lot =_="
These are the pendants i recommended :
Right now, the best dice is LED since it has 6 skills which gives you 3 important skill plus extra odd/even dice
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