Pendant is like accessories but can also be
helpful in game. Pendant skill doesn't exist on Character/Dice skill
Pendant that available to be equipped depends on the class of the Character, B class can equip 1 pendant, A class can equip 2, A+ can equip 3, and S can equip up to 4
Collect Pendant : you can see the list of the pendant
To enhance pendant, rate of success depends on the class. For example : A enhance with A = 100% success, A with B = 50%, A with C = 20%
To buy pendant. There's 2 kind - 1 using 10.000 gold (C~A), and 1 using 25 diamond (B~S)
Some of the pendants can be gotten from MAX the characters
Here's the list of pendant by MAXing the characters:
*Meteorite Fragment (from Apollon) : A 40%, A+ 50 % rate of getting dice double at first turn - A 40%.
*Flare (from Santino) : A 40%, A+ 60% rate of Deserted Island, Jail, or Andromeda escape in first dice rolled
* Trustable Credit Certificate (from Whitney) : A 15%, A+ 30% bonus when getting a loan
* Richard Wu's Trump Card (from Richard Wu) : A 20%, A+ 30% extra gold reward for winning bonus game
* Ariane's Hand Mirror (from Ariane) : A 15%, A+ 25% rate of defending opponent's attack
* Ara's Choke (from Ara) : A 20%, A+ 30% rate of neutralizing opponent's defend card
* Beauty Lipstick (from Cony) : A 30%, A+ 40% rate of moving double amount from first dice result
* Sally Skateboard (from Sally) : A 20%, A+ 30% rate of neutralizing opponent's defend card
* Scratched Record (from Justin) : A 15%, A+ 25% increases dice control
* Detailed Clock (from Brown) : A 30%, A+ 40% rate of getting dice doucle at your first turn
*Little Cat Ornament (from Yura) : 20% extra gold from winning the game
*Door Generator for different dimension (from Coco) : 72% ratio of moving backward on the first dice throw
*Bull Fighter's Sword (from Mariano) : 90% rate chace of winning first arcade pinalty
*Top Racer's Helmet (from Christine) : 35% increase dice control
*Topaz Cane (from Edward) : 50% rate of neutralizing opponent's attack using defense card
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